In 2020, cybersecurity regained relevance for users and companies as they were working remotely and electronic transactions rose.
Cybersecurity and its relevance for companies, year after year, become more important, however in 2020, with a higher number of electronic transactions and greater home connectivity for work and remote school, companies and users have had to worry more about this issue.
“To sum up 2020, I would say that things have not always been what they seemed: it was a year of fake news and scams, in which users were misled into taking advantage of the pandemic. Cybercriminals capitalize on trends, making sure to attract as many potential victims as possible, "said Luis Corrons, Avast Security Evangelist.
According to the cybersecurity company, this type of news often anchored links that redirect to malware, or suggested downloading apocryphal applications, in fact the firm managed to track 600 malicious applications during the first three months of confinement, which included from banking Trojans, even spyware that promised to track COVID-19 cases.