The Government defined the first two phases of vaccination against COVID-19 that will begin in January, after a meeting between President Lenín Moreno; the Minister of Health, Juan Carlos Zevallos; and the General Secretary for Communication of the Presidency, Caridad Vela.
In the first phase, the vaccine will be administered to the personnel who are on the front line: doctors, nurses, assistants, assistants; and seniors.
In the second phase, people with disabilities and catastrophic illnesses, police and military personnel, and teachers will be vaccinated.
After these two phases, the immunization will be for the rest of the citizenry, in 400 distribution points and about 10,000 application points.
In addition, about 18,000 people will work on distribution and vaccination, "to ensure that this important prevention mechanism, which is the vaccine, reaches all Ecuadorians," according to the president.
Meanwhile, Zevallos confirmed that the total investment for vaccines would be $ 200 million, money that comes from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).