Febicham, in its interest to connect the community during the coronavirus juncture, has scheduled a series of events for the remainder of 2020.

En la sesión especial de Directores de la Federación celebrada el  pasado lunes 2 de noviembre  se decidieron los siguientes Webinars:

November 12
11:00 am Webinar Organizado por la Cámara Colombo Americana y Auspiciado por FEBICHAM –  «Valida tu título. Rompe el mito.» – Expositora Sra. Marcela Gomez

November 18
11:00 am Webinar Organized by FEBICHAM - "Potential Impacts and Opportunities for companies with the new Government" - Speaker Roberto Macho (possibly accompanied by another specialist)

December 3
11:00 am Webinar Organized by FEBICHAM - "How to do business with the US Government" - Speaker Arturo Guevara - Director of the Chamber of Venezuela

December 10
11:00 am Webinar Organized by FEBICHAM - "How to handle company personnel in changing times of Covid-19" - Speaker Miguel Leonardi (organized by Margarita Losada)

The respective registration links will be found in the events section of Febicham.org

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