The Argentine stock market rose on Tuesday in a rearrangement of portfolios at the beginning of the month after a successful debt swap under foreign law that promoted the government of the third largest economy in Latin America.

The S&P Merval index of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange gained 0.74%, to 47,181.2 units, at 11:05 a.m. local time (1405 GMT), after accumulating a loss of 4.91% in August.

"Hopefully", operations began "without significant movements within the local debt market, and again with a very limited volume of business. The focus was on the results of the exchange of international law bonds," said Portfolio Personal Inversiones (PPI).

Argentina achieved broad support for its offer to restructure its liabilities, as its creditors agreed to swap 99% of the debt under foreign law of $ 65 billion, the government reported Monday.


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