Not even the technology sector is spared the harsh impact of the pandemic, especially in areas of the globe such as Latin America. This is attested by data on investment in Information Technology in the region, which this year will grow at a rate of 5.5% although with notable differences depending on the country in question.
In fact, and according to the figures provided by the analysis firm IDC, countries such as Peru or Mexico will see their spending on digitization fall by 12.2% and 1.7%, respectively, compared to last year.
En el lado opuesto de la balanza encontramos a Argentina, que mantiene su ritmo inversor con un alza del 24,1% interanual, Colombia (+5,4%), Brasil (+12,2%) y Chile (+6,3%). Porcentajes, siempre en relación con dólares constantes, que aguantan el pulso general de la región y que, en opinión de los analistas de IDC, han permitido que “a diferencia de recesiones pasadas, las inversiones en tecnologías no se desaceleraran tanto como la economía”.
Looking to the future, the recovery of spending on digital technologies seems like one of the priorities for companies and governments in Latin America. Not surprisingly, the same IDC report predicts a general growth of 7.7% for 2021, with large rebounds in some of the countries with the greatest declines this year, such as Mexico (+ 10%) or Peru (+ 9% ). However, Argentina will continue to be the nation that increases the most budget in this area, specifically 10.4% more investment compared to what was dedicated in 2020.
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All this with the same objective, without variation despite the current context: to achieve that 40% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Latin America is digitized by 2022. An ambitious challenge that materializes, according to the criteria of analysts, in several relatively affordable intermediate goals in the short term.
One of them is the migration of many of the business computing systems to the cloud. By the end of 2021, about 75% of large companies in Latin America will switch to a cloud-centric application infrastructure at twice the speed of previous years. To do this, 35% of the spending dedicated to ICT will have to do with 'cloud' services.
The other great area of work is digital talent management. According to the study, the supply of skills in the region is insufficient to meet the demand. Specifically, it is estimated that Latin American countries will require more than 225,000 specialists in artificial intelligence and data science between now and 2023. An unaffordable figure with the current rates of professionals trained in the area.