More and more savers in the world are concerned about demanding their investments not only profitability in the long term, but also want them to be guided by ethical and environmental criteria. For this reason, responsible investment has not stopped growing globally for several years now and this trend has accelerated even more since the pandemic began. It seems as if the coronavirus has awakened the consciences of investors and that they, to the best of their ability, would like to contribute to improving and not continuing to further deteriorate the natural and social environment of which we are all part. However, there are still many investors who are not convinced of the benefits that responsible investment offers. This is why it is convenient to clarify one of the myths that are had about it and that is that only in this way can we continue to drive.
In this sense, there are many who think that it is not clear what exactly responsible investment is, and it cannot be denied that there are different approaches to what is considered responsible investment or not. To the different existing perspectives on the concept is added the fact that many times the language that investment managers or investment banks use to describe them is usually unclear and sometimes it is difficult to understand what is the true nature of the product they are offering.
For an investment to be ethical, it must be, above all, based on values and this should allow potential investors to avoid those sectors or companies whose business model is not respectful with the environment and with society. At this point, the first problem that must be solved arises and that is that values, after all, are subjective so that what is acceptable for one person is not for another. Therefore, it is necessary to go beyond good intentions and follow a rigorous operating framework in which it is defined in a clear and structured way, which is to invest responsibly.