Work is being done on the logistics for the storage, distribution and administration of the vaccine.
In a statement from the Ministry of Public Health, it is announced that vaccination against COVID-19 will not be mandatory and that through the National Vaccination Program, "universal and free access to the vaccine in prioritized populations" will be guaranteed. The technical team of the Immunization Program of the Epidemiology Division, the National Vaccination Advisory Commission (CNAV) and members of the Honorary Scientific Advisory Group (GACH) will be the ones who will analyze the efficacy and safety of each of the vaccines at different stages of development through world level.
Work is being done on the logistics for the storage, distribution and administration of the vaccine. In this sense, it is recalled that Uruguay adhered to the purchasing strategy called COVAX, led by PAHO / WHO and the International Alliance for Access to Vaccines (GAVI), which implies “that countries invest in a package of, at least, nine vaccines at different stages of development, but with a short-term chance of being successful, and plans to add more as they progress through the testing phases.
“In this way, it is guaranteed that the country will have access to vaccines of proven quality, efficacy and safety. The Ministry of Public Health, through its National Vaccination Program, is in charge of guaranteeing universal and free access to the vaccine in prioritized populations, as it does for the rest of the vaccines included in the National Scheme ”, they add in the statement.
The National Emergency System (Sinae) issued the daily report regarding information on the coronavirus in our country. Sinae reports that yesterday "3,555 tests were carried out and 82 new cases of coronavirus were detected." «Of the 82 new cases, 49 are from Montevideo, 17 from Canelones, 4 from Colonia, 4 from Rivera, 2 from Cerro Largo, 2 from Maldonado, 1 from Rocha, 1 from San José, 1 from Soriano and 1 from Tacuarembó» says the report. "In all cases the contacts have already been identified and a strict epidemiological follow-up is being maintained," adds Sinae.
The Sinae reports that this Thursday a new death from coronavirus was confirmed in our country. «This is a 67-year-old patient from Rivera. So far there are 69 deaths from Covid-19 in Uruguay, "says the report. There are currently 829 active cases, that is, people who are experiencing the disease, 9 of them are in intensive care and 1 in intermediate care.
The departments with active cases as of today are 16: Artigas, Canelones, Cerro Largo, Colonia, Flores, Lavalleja, Maldonado, Montevideo, Paysandú, Rivera, Rocha, Salto, San José, Soriano, Tacuarembó and Treinta y Tres.