The Central American country has also exported beans to countries such as El Salvador, Costa Rica and Guatemala during the pandemic. The government seeks internally to keep the grain at a good price and to control inflation.
The information released by the presidential appointee and minister in charge of Economic Development, María Antonia Rivera, affirms that to date the country has exported 150,000 quintals of beans to the United States and other isthmus countries such as El Salvador, Costa Rica and Guatemala.
Exports that, according to a press release, have the authorization of the Ministry of Economic Development (SDE) and comply with the quality and price standards required by the United States.
"Today we can be proud to say that we are exporting to countries like the United States, countries that are extremely strict on the issue of quality," Rivera said.
Previously, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Honduras announced that, despite the crisis experienced by the pandemic, the Central American country exceeded expectations regarding the harvest of basic grains, thereby guaranteeing "availability, reserves and distribution of food" during the pandemic.
The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Mauricio Guevara Pinto, affirmed that so far in 2020 the production of beans has been 600,000 quintals, additional to the previous harvest and that they have “100,000 quintals in strategic reserve”.
Guevara Pinto also assured that, with the increase in reserves, and despite the crisis experienced with COVID-19, the government is seeking to guarantee "supply and price stability" internally by participating in events and fairs that boost the country's economy.