According to its president and director, Román Pizzolante, on a preliminary basis there would be more than 300 companies from the neighboring country operating in Peru. At the end of the year he hopes to finish collecting information and conclude this census

The strong economic crisis that Venezuela has been facing for some years has meant that not only more than a million Venezuelans (according to data from the Working Group for Refugees and Migrants) adopt Peru as their new home; It has also led to start-ups and many already established companies to settle in the country.

So much so that, at least 250 and 300 companies, approximately, between branches, businesses with Venezuelan capital and Peruvian partners or vice versa, would already operate in the Peruvian market, reveals the Venezuelan-Cavenpe-Venezuelan Business Chamber.

Román Pizzolante, president and director of the aforementioned bilateral chamber, indicates that this is only a preliminary figure and that they have been working on the preparation of a census, in which they will also take into account -although in a second stage- the presence of executives from the country neighbor and entrepreneurs. "We are collecting the information and we hope to have it ready before the end of this 2020", he estimates.

He says that last year they just started the process to reconstitute the chamber, since the previous one stopped working around five years ago, probably.

Cavenpe, a private non-profit initiative that aims to strengthen economic relations between Peru and Venezuela, was born in the middle of the pandemic and despite the circumstances it has managed to have 17 affiliates to date, he says.

“Only at the end of February we fully established ourselves with the legal requirements and the respective accreditations and after 15 days the quarantine began; so we capitalize this time on interesting webinars. It has been quite a challenge because the chambers do not live on membership, but on the services they provide, and now companies are looking for a good reason to join in, "he says.

Among the affiliates to Cavenpe, the Octagon group stands out, which is 20 years old than the real estate market; Refermat (hardware products, handles brands like Cisa); Organic America; CoreWoman and Equilibrium, among others.

Pizzolante highlights that even three of the associates are Peruvian companies. “We want to give space to local firms also because it is part of the brotherhood and the binational relationship that we have and that was very robust 10 years ago. Our objectives are focused on generating business opportunities, representation, advice and information ”, he says.

In addition, given the significant immigration, they will seek to house the entrepreneurs. “We are designing products and services understanding that the world changed with COVID-19. Today, there is no longer so much attractiveness to invest in Venezuela, and that is why the bulk of our efforts are focused on Peru and on creating a business community that was lost ”, he says.

Cavenpe tiene como meta al 2021 tener entre 40 y 50 afiliados, lo cual los pondrá en una buena posición, considerando que las grandes cámaras binacionales en el país con más de 50 años tienen entre 250 y 300 empresas en sus filas, asevera.



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