Ecuador became the 55th nation to implement the international transparency standard called the International Transparency Initiative for Extractive Industries (EITI). This October 16, 2020, the Minister of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources, René Ortiz, announced the adhesion of Ecuador to the Initiative. The acceptance was made official by the representatives of the International Council of this organization during its International Meeting held in Norway on October 15.

The initiative allows information such as contracts, beneficiaries, exports, taxes and more information related to the oil, mining and gas industries of each country to be known

Minister Ortiz highlighted the importance of meeting this milestone: “Ecuador is already part of the EITI standard, with which the National Government reaffirms its commitment to promote transparency and the proper management and governance of oil, gas and mining resources, as well as as well as to promote the participation of diverse actors of the society ”.

Francisco Paris, regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean of the EITI, highlighted that Ecuador comes to the initiative at a time of challenges, in which it is promoting the opening of the information of the real beneficiaries and the transparency of contracts in the sector. But also also at a time when these industries are experiencing problems as a result of the pandemic. He said that it is difficult right now to get financing for the industry, but explained that they are open to working with the country in seeking options. He also highlighted that the EITI is making the ways of disclosing the information required by the standard more flexible, but recognizing the limitations that the pandemic brings.

The country has come a long way since 2018 to be part of this initiative, which also involves civil society. But once you are a member, you have to carry out various tasks. The official who must now carry out the initiative is César Vásquez, Vice Minister of Mines (e).

Among the planned tasks is to form the Technical Secretariat of EITI-Ecuador, legally and which will have autonomy and will execute the work plan jointly and under the guidelines of the Multi-stakeholder Group composed of representatives of the Executive, civil society and industries

The country has 18 months to deliver a report that will include information from the mining and hydrocarbon sectors regarding licenses and contracts, production, tax collection, income allocation, as well as the social and economic contribution of these industries.

Meanwhile, Daniel Barragán, Director of the International Center for Research on Environment and Territory of the University of Los Hemisferios, on behalf of civil society, highlighted the country's entry into the initiative and explained that it has not been an easy road and recalled that it had been a civil society struggle for 8 years. He reflected on the fact that our economy is based on the exploitation of resources, but this must be done in a sustainable way that generates benefits for the citizens themselves.



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